International Women's Day isn't just a day; it's a celebration of the strength and resilience of women worldwide. At Heist Studios, we're all about honouring this spirit of empowerment.
Today, we're thrilled to introduce three trailblazing women: Claire Breslin, our dynamic and exceptional Managing Director; Donna Ida, the visionary founder of Donna Ida, an incredible, directional denim brand; and Julietta Dexter, Chair and the driving force behind Smart Works, an amazing charity that gives women the confidence they need to reach their full potential. All three women embody #inspiringinclusion - the theme of International Women’s Day 2024.
Join us as we uncover their inspiring stories and their advice and insights applicable to all.
Meet the Interviewees
Managing Director of Heist Studios
Founder of Donna Ida Denim
Chair of Smart Works
When do you feel most empowered/supported yourself?
For me, fashion is our daily armour that we choose, and can be very empowering. Recently I have been loving a sharp tailored jacket over our Contour Shapewear. I find the choices I make when choosing an outfit can completely change my mood and how empowered I feel. Small subtle choices can really shape how you feel, which is a core tenet of what we are doing at Heist.
Early in the morning, when I have that time on my own: to make sure I have cleared through everything and have got myself ready for the day ahead. Staying ahead is what makes me feel empowered. Next, it’s being dressed for the day (in my current favourite jeans or jumpsuit!), and being surrounded by my team. We are always in touch and I know we are all working hard towards the same shared goals, which is very supportive and empowering.
I love being in the office because I love my work and rather than worry about not being on top of things, when I am in the office I am surrounded by smart, diverse people who together create great ideas. I also love dressing clients at Smart Works, the charity of which I am chair – our clients are an exceptionally diverse group of women. This year we launched our second Smart Works Female Unemployment Index at the House of Lords. 16% of our clients are disabled, 55% are from ethnic minority backgrounds and 33% are single parents. You learn so much from these exceptional and extraordinary women.
What advice did you receive early in your career or as a young woman that has stayed with you?
I have had amazing mentors and teachers who have inspired me and encouraged me in my career. I started quite young and I'm lucky that I had some very experienced senior people around me to guide me in the right direction, even if it was sometimes hard to hear, this industry can be tough so its key to have solid foundations. I've had a lot of good advice, and I think to always have a positive approach, remain calm and to really listen to others has been important. It's pretty simple but it has served me well.
Tidy desk, tidy mind. With so many projects underway at Donna Ida and at Langdon Court (and so many decisions to make!) I need to be clear-headed and highly organised. I wake up ready for the day and luckily my team does the same! I have always loved working, and working hard, and don’t think of what I do as work. Being clear in what you want, getting going and giving it your best shot is something no one can take from you - and I would encourage keen female (and male) entrepreneurs to do the same.
I actually did not get much advice, which I really regret. My father died when I was young and I really missed having a strong business mentor. One thing I do believe in is that it is key to look after yourself. No-one will do this for you. Many companies do some good work in looking after staff, but in the end, it is up to the individual. Burnout is not fun. I was also told that the harder you work, the luckier you get, but I am not sure that is quite true. Curveballs happen all the time, things that are often outside of your control.
At work, how do you ensure diverse voices are heard and empowered within your organisation?
We have a small but wonderful team both male and female, of varying ages and from different disciplines and backgrounds which I feel ensures everyone's voice brings a different perspective to the team. I think by creating an open and non-hierarchical environment we encourage open discussion and different viewpoints. I like to talk to the team as a group 3-4 times a week and give everyone a platform to add to the conversation. In a product based business, everyone is a customer and we want the collection and brand to reflect this, so listening to the voices we have in house is vital.
I don't work with anyone I don't respect. So if someone is working at Donna Ida, I respect them and trust them, and therefore I listen to them. I love different points of view and all voices (women and men) are important: from the amazing team in our factory in Tunisia, to our sales and warehouse teams in the UK, and everyone involved in making Donna Ida what it is. There is constant, collaborative and honest communication between us. It’s what drives us every day.
We've always had a wonderful intersectionality committee to ensure that there is a growing community of voices. We have also always had a purpose committee. These groups have had two main functions – a) to make sure that issues of culture, diversity and ethics are top of the agenda at all times and b) to have direct board access in order to ensure these matters are board level discussions. A huge amount of work is going to have to continue to be done for organisations to truly make everyone feel that they are valued, that they belong and they feel part of what matters. We have a long way to go but things are moving in the right direction.
Tell us about a passion project that you would love to pursue but haven't yet.
I was recently given a beautiful painting set as it's something I enjoy, I would like to carve out some time for this.
Also I would like to mentor young females in fashion, I do this informally now but would like to do so in a more formal capacity. There's still room for improvement in equality in this industry and I'd like to extend the same kindness as I was shown early in my career to others.
I'm writing a book, and I've told the team I'm doing it, so that means I have to do it! So it’s going to happen this year. It will share some of my favourite health, beauty, food and other lifestyle locations and tips - brands and people that I truly love, recommend and want to support. I love moving forwards and challenging myself and the team to grow in different and new ways.
I am working on a few things right now. I am passionate about age discrimination in the workplace, particularly for women. I will soon be writing a 2nd book and this will focus, to a degree, on this issue. Young women struggle to make themselves heard when they start their careers, and older women struggle in many ways particularly during and after the menopausal period in their lives. Lots of women talk about imposter syndrome etc., we cannot allow women to think that post 55+ they are professional scrap heap material. men do not think this way. That is my current passion project, to have an increasing voice in this space as a female founder, CEO and entrepreneur. My work at Smart Works also inspires me in this discussion so much – I meet women in their mid 50s who are still asked, at interview, how old they are. shocking.
Three words please that sum up your personal commitment to Inspiring Inclusion.
Listen, Respect, Empower.
Be. Extra. Ordinary.
Passion, Care, Wisdom.

Heist is open to everyone. We are inclusive by nature and democratic by design. We are passionate about supporting women, creating products that offer seamless, non-restrictive support and strength.
To celebrate International Women’s Day, we are taking 30% off all of our shapewear collections giving you the chance to be supported from light to high compression at an even better price.
Thank you for being a part of our #inspiringinclusion International Women’s Day celebrations.
For every piece of shapewear that is bought online over this 3 day period, we will donate 3 pieces of Heist to our chosen charity partner, Smart Works.
Offer valid for 3 days from March 8th- March 10th, 2024.
Smart Works Charity No: 1080609